Youth Bridge

IMG_4922We expect to be teaching bridge in some Modesto public schools this fall. Right now, we have support from some teachers and school administrators and expect more support as we spread word of our program.

The Plan

For Teachers
  •  Educate and inspire as many school teachers as possible to teach bridge in their particular schools and to field a bridge team or group. We are inviting all teachers and interested parties in the community to  “Learn Bridge in Six Hours” seminar on Friday June 13th. A minimal charge of $15 covers materials and lunch.
  • We hope that this will inspire teachers to return to their schools and start youth bridge clubs.
  • Our local unit will support the teachers with supplemental coaching. Experienced players will visit the schools when their bridge groups meet and provide advice and counsel as long as desired by the teacher. Probably  1-2 hours/week 
  • We will provide supplemental on-going classes to the teachers through the summer and in the evenings through the beginning bridge lesson program already under way. A new beginning series will be scheduled to begin immediately after the seminar to provide more seamless support. 
  • We will help the teachers obtain the no cost teaching materials from ABCL including teacher guides, student books, cards as well as other items.  
  • ACBL will pay teachers up to $3500/year in stipends to teach this program. For more information about ACBL’s role see here: Teacher_Guide (1)


IMG_4657For Students
  • Scholarships are available for young bridge players. Details 
  • Students will start playing bridge immediately using special deals with step by step manuals
  •  The unit 529 (we) will organize tournaments appropriate for the program. Prizes and certificates will be awarded.
  • We will set up online support a Bridge Base as seems appropriate for this program.
  • We will provide materials to attract students such as posters and pizza.





Why Teach Students Bridge? Well, partly because those of us who love to play bridge want someone to play with. Okay, those are just my reasons, as a club we have some unselfish reasons too. Here are some reasons everyone should want us to teach bridge.



Improved Test Scores—- Students who were taught bridge over 20 months improved their performance on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills in all areas by more than 20% (even in reading). In science, the improvement was 39%.

Scholarships and awards— There are many opportunities for awards and scholarships. Here is a link to a partial list: Scholarships, Awards

In addition to these, we are developing scholarship and award programs locally.

Improved Immune Function—I don’t know why either.  Studies of people who played bridge showed increases in the number of immune cells after play.  Apparently part of the brain (the dorsolateral cortex, if you really want to know) is associated with the immune system. Marian Diamond, who lead the study, believes that bridge stimulates this part of the brain and the bridge player lives happily ever after. They tried it in mice but the mice were unable to keep track of trump.

Improved mental function  –Studies have shown that bridge helps stave off Alzheimer’s, improve attention and memory.



Socialization  —Bridge is intensely competitive, but you have to cooperate. For success you must work with a partner and interact appropriately with the opposition. Bad behavior is not allowed. You may not shout or even swear.  A great model for life. There is little anyone can achieve without the help of others. Learning to compete vigorously while still showing consideration and respect for others is a lesson to be wished on anyone. What an advantage to learn it early. If mortgage brokers had played bridge, would there have been a real estate crash?




Fun  It seems silly to have to say it, but all the other reasons are so serious. Bridge is fun. It lasts a life time. A bridge player can walk into any town and make 3 new friends by calling his local bridge club. and it feels good when you play.



Some back up documentation

BridgeEducation PPT Presentation Shaw




Reno Youth Bridge

Scholarships and Awards